Welcome to FruitScapes
Fruit trees are a wonderful way to enhance the beauty and value of your landscape. They provide nutritious food to eat and share with friends, neighbors, and wildlife; they provide shade, and are aesthetically pleasing. More...
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Overview of the types of fruits and conditions you might consider when growing fruit in your yard. The following is an excerpt from a longer 30 minute production entitled "Fruits in the Florida Landscape."
Here is a brief overview of the types of fruits and conditions you might consider when growing fruit in your yard. The above is an excerpt from a longer 30 minute production entitled "Fruits in the Florida Landscape."
Planting a Fruit Tree
You can grow many types of fruit in your own yard! Watch this video to learn how to plant a fruit tree.
See the Video...
Which Fruits to Grow
Certain types of fruit grow better in different areas of the state. If you're unsure about the fruit you'd like to grow in your area, view the plant hardiness zone map or better yet, consult with your local Extension office.