Dr. Shouan Zhang
Professor — Vegetable Plant Pathology
Dr. Shouan Zhang is a Professor of Plant Pathology at the Tropical Research and Education Center, University of Florida, IFAS in Homestead, FL. His current program focuses on detection and identification of invasive pathogens, and biology, epidemiology and integrated management of vegetable and herbal diseases.
Dr. Zhang’s research program (60% FTE) centers on detection, identification of invasive diseases by using conventional and molecular techniques, and integrated disease management for vegetable and herbal crops through the development of cost effective and environmentally sound strategies that are important for providing safe food supplies and maintaining a healthy environment. His current program focuses on detection and identification of invasive diseases threatening vegetable production in South Florida, and biology, epidemiology and management of economically important diseases in vegetable and herb production.
Dr. Zhang’s extension program (40% FTE) focuses on the identification and diagnosis of diseases of vegetable and herbal crops and implementation of management strategies and technologies to control diseases in South Florida. This includes providing disease diagnosis and management recommendations to growers, developing extension programs and educational documents such as EDIS, fact sheets, newsletters, and other education and outreach materials.
- Ph.D. Plant Pathology / Auburn University 2000
- M.S. Plant Pathology / China Agricultural University 1990
- B.S. Plant Pathology / China Agricultural University 1987
- Publications
Awards and Honors
- Elected to Cohort 14 of the Leadership Enhancement and Administrative Development program (LEAD IFAS)
- 2014 UF IFAS Early Career Scientist Seed Funding Award
- 2013 Research Opportunity Fund Award, University of Florida
- 2013 Recognized for the UF/IFAS "High Impact" Research Publication - "Evaluation of systemic acquired resistance inducers for control of downy mildew on basil" (Crop Protection 40: 83-90)
- 2012 Recipient of the Northeast US University's Cooperative Extension Service Director's Award of Excellence (team award)
- 2012 Seymour Godweber Extension Professional and Enhancement Award Extension Professional Association of Florida (EPAF)
- Member - American Phytopathological Society (APS), 1998 - present
- Chair - Biological Control Committee, APS, 2013 - 2014
- Vice-Chair - Biological Control Committee, APS, 2012 - 2013
- Member - Biological Control Committee, APS, 2008 - present
- Integrated Disease Management Committee, APS, 2008 - 2014
- Plant Pathogen and Disease Detection, APS, 2013 - present
- Peer reviewer of manuscripts for over 20 journels: Phytopathology, Plant Disease, Molecular Plant Pathology, Crop Protection, Biological Control, Plant Cell Reports, HortScience and others.