Dr. Xingbo Wu
Assistant Professor - Tropical Plant breeding and genetics
Dr. Wu is an Assistant Professor at the UF IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center in Homestead, FL. His expertise is in the breeding and genetics of tropical plants, with a primary focus on nursery crops and underutilized tropical plant species. His research combines conventional breeding techniques with modern genetic and genomic tools to develop novel traits and enhance breeding efficiency. His extension program is dedicated to supporting the tropical horticulture industry by providing research-based insights to guide informed decision-making. The goal of his program is to introduce new tropical crops and develop improved cultivars with elite traits that meet industry demands while promoting sustainable agricultural practices to minimize environmental impact.
18905 SW 280 St.
Homestead, FL 33031-3314
Email: xingbo.wu@ufl.edu
Ph.D. Biological Science, Tennessee State University, 2018
M.S. Horticulture Science, Southwest University, 2014
B.S. Food Science, Hubei Engineering University, 2011
- Publications
Awards and Honors