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Tropical Research And Education Center

Tropical Research And Education Center

People at Dr. Her's Hydrology Lab

  • Hydrologist/Agricultural Engineer

    Dr. Young Gu Her

    Dr. Young Gu Her
    Assistant Professor

    Dr. Her is an assistant professor of hydrology in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) Department and the Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC) at the University of Florida (UF). He specializes in hydrologic and water quality modeling, best management practices including agricultural conservation and urban low impact development practices, uncertainty analysis, and geospatial data analysis. His research focuses on quantifying the effects of climate variability and sea-level rise on agriculture and water resources and developing mitigation and adaptation strategies for the global and regional scale changes.

    “Modeling is an extrapolation from incomplete data” Anonymous
    "Essentially, all models are incomplete, but many are useful" Modified from George E. P. Box
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher

    Song, Jeonghun

    • From 2018 April
    • M.S. & Ph.D. in Agricultural Civil Engineering - Seoul National University, 2012 to 2017
    • Research interests:
      • Hydrology and water quality modeling​
      • Ecosystem service quantification​
  • Ph.D. Student

    Shin, Sat-Byeol (prospective)

    • 2018 Spring to 2021 Fall
    • M.S. Agricultural Civil Engineering- Seoul National University, 2016 to 2017
    • Research interests:
      • Hydrology and water quality modeling
      • Climate change impact assessment
      • Uncertainty quantification
  • Research Engineer

    Dispenza, Tina

    • Research interests:
      • Spatial data management
      • Groundwater monitoring
      • Irrigation experiment
      • Water quality analysis

TREC Resources